Our own FST line of blower door test equipment, software and training for the NFPA 2001 Clean Agent Enclosure Integrity Test.
FST Enclosure Integrity Test Kits - Fire Safety Technology has combined its experience in testing, training and support of NFPA 2001 Enclosure Integrity Test Procedure.
FST has worked with The Energy Conservatory, the manufacture of the Minneapolis Blower Door™, to bring to the fire industry a value priced package of rugged test equipment, our EIT 2001 Quick Test Intl software, training and support.
DG-1000 Handheld Digital Pressure / Flow Gauge - LINK
Developed and manufactured by the Energy Conservatory to provide unequaled accuracy and ease of use.
Dual reading touch display provides direct, precise reading of both pressure and flow measurements with 1% accuracy. .
Compact, 6300 CFM Fan
Powerful fan allows for testing zones up to 60,000 cubic feet (1) Calibrated flow accuracy of +/- 3% for 100 to 6300 CFM. Rugged, compact, easy to carry.
Fully Collapsible Aluminum, Commercial Sized Door Frame.
Lightweight but rugged, easy to carry and fast to setup. Fits openings form 29" wide and 53" high to 48" wide and 96" high. Nylon panel comes with built-in vinyl window.
EIT Quick Test Intl Enclosure Integrity Test Software - LINK
Windows® based software, designed for ease of use. Provides 6 to 7 page detailed test report.
Handheld digital gauge, compact fan, collapsible aluminum frame
Most compact, easy to carry test kit.
Complete test kit
Everything necessary to conduct the NFPA 2001 Enclosure Integrity Test: fan, gauge, door frame, software, Smoke Point leak finder and manual, add only your choice of optional carrying cases.
For additional information see: Specifications
For Prices see: FST Enclosure Integrity Test Equipment Price List